Source code for

"""Audio output interface."""
import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray

from ..external import get_musescore_soundfont_path
from .midi import write_midi

    from import Music

def _check_soundfont(soundfont_path):
    if soundfont_path is None:
        soundfont_path = get_musescore_soundfont_path()
        soundfont_path = Path(soundfont_path)
    if not soundfont_path.exists():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Soundfont not found. Please download it by "
    return soundfont_path

[docs]def synthesize( music: "Music", soundfont_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, rate: int = 44100, ) -> ndarray: """Synthesize a Music object to raw audio. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to write. soundfont_path : str or Path, optional Path to the soundfount file. Defaults to the path to the downloaded MuseScore General soundfont. rate : int Sample rate (in samples per sec). Defaults to 44100. Returns ------- ndarray, dtype=int16, shape=(?, 2) Synthesized waveform. """ # Check soundfont soundfont_path = _check_soundfont(soundfont_path) # Create a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Write the Music object to a temporary MIDI file midi_path = Path(temp_dir) / "temp.mid" write_midi(midi_path, music) # Synthesize the MIDI file using fluidsynth result = [ "fluidsynth", "-T", "raw", "-F-", "-r", str(rate), "-i", str(soundfont_path), str(midi_path), ], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) # Decode bytes to waveform waveform = np.frombuffer(result.stdout, np.int16).reshape(-1, 2) return waveform
[docs]def write_audio( path: Union[str, Path], music: "Music", soundfont_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, rate: int = 44100, audio_format: Optional[str] = None, ): """Write a Music object to an audio file. Supported formats include WAV, AIFF, FLAC and OGA. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to write the audio file. music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to write. soundfont_path : str or Path, optional Path to the soundfount file. Defaults to the path to the downloaded MuseScore General soundfont. rate : int Sample rate (in samples per sec). Defaults to 44100. audio_format : str, {'wav', 'aiff', 'flac', 'oga'}, optional File format to write. If None, infer it from the extension. """ if audio_format is None: audio_format = "auto" # Check soundfont soundfont_path = _check_soundfont(soundfont_path) # Create a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Write the Music object to a temporary MIDI file midi_path = Path(temp_dir) / "temp.mid" write_midi(midi_path, music) # Synthesize the MIDI file using fluidsynth [ "fluidsynth", "-ni", "-F", str(path), "-T", audio_format, "-r", str(rate), str(soundfont_path), str(midi_path), ], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, )