Source code for muspy.inputs.musicxml

"""MusicXML input interface."""
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from zipfile import ZipFile

from ..classes import KeySignature, Metadata, Note, Tempo, TimeSignature, Track
from import Music
from ..utils import NOTE_MAP

T = TypeVar("T")

CIRCLE_OF_FIFTHS: List[Tuple[int, str]] = [
    (4, "Fb"),
    (11, "Cb"),
    (6, "Gb"),
    (1, "Db"),
    (8, "Ab"),
    (3, "Eb"),
    (10, "Bb"),
    (5, "F"),  # Lydian
    (0, "C"),  # Major/Ionian
    (7, "G"),  # Mixolydian
    (2, "D"),  # Dorian
    (9, "A"),  # Minor/Aeolian
    (4, "E"),  # Phrygian
    (11, "B"),  # Locrian
    (6, "F#"),
    (1, "C#"),
    (8, "G#"),
    (3, "D#"),
    (10, "A#"),
    (5, "E#"),
    (0, "B#"),

    "major": 8,
    "minor": 11,
    "lydian": 7,
    "ionian": 8,
    "mixolydian": 9,
    "dorian": 10,
    "aeolian": 11,
    "phrygian": 12,
    "locrian": 13,

NOTE_TYPE_MAP: Dict[str, float] = {
    "1024th": 0.00390625,
    "512th": 0.0078125,
    "256th": 0.015625,
    "128th": 0.03125,
    "64th": 0.0625,
    "32nd": 0.125,
    "16th": 0.25,
    "eighth": 0.5,
    "quarter": 1.0,
    "half": 2.0,
    "whole": 4.0,
    "breve": 8.0,
    "long": 16.0,
    "maxima": 32.0,

[docs]class MusicXMLError(Exception): """An error class for MusicXML related exceptions."""
def _gcd(a: int, b: int) -> int: """Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm. Code copied from """ while b: a, b = b, a % b return a def _lcm(a: int, b: int) -> int: """Return least common multiple. Code copied from """ return a * b // _gcd(a, b) def lcm(*args: int) -> int: """Return lcm of args. Code copied from """ return reduce(_lcm, args) # type: ignore def get_text( element: Element, path: str, default: Optional[T] = None, remove_newlines: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, T]: """Return the text of the first matching element.""" elem = element.find(path) if elem is not None and elem.text is not None: if remove_newlines: return " ".join(elem.text.splitlines()) return elem.text return default # type: ignore def get_required(element: Element, path: str) -> Element: """Return a required element; raise ValueError if not found.""" elem = element.find(path) if elem is None: raise MusicXMLError("Element `{}` is required.".format(path)) return elem def get_required_attr(element: Element, attr: str) -> str: """Return a required attribute; raise MusicXMLError if not found.""" attribute = element.get(attr) if attribute is None: raise MusicXMLError("Attribute '{}' is required for an element ") return attribute def get_required_text( element: Element, path: str, remove_newlines: bool = False ) -> str: """Return a required text; raise MusicXMLError if not found.""" elem = element.find(path) if elem is None: raise MusicXMLError( "Child element '{}' is required for an element '{}'." "".format(path, element.tag) ) if elem.text is None: raise MusicXMLError( "Text content '{}' of an element '{}' must not be empty." "".format(path, element.tag) ) if remove_newlines: return " ".join(elem.text.splitlines()) return elem.text def parse_metronome_elem(elem: Element) -> Optional[float]: """Return a qpm value parsed from a metronome element.""" beat_unit = get_text(elem, "beat-unit") if beat_unit is not None: per_minute = get_text(elem, "per-minute") if per_minute is not None and beat_unit in NOTE_TYPE_MAP: qpm = NOTE_TYPE_MAP[beat_unit] * float(per_minute) if elem.find("beat-unit-dot") is not None: qpm *= 1.5 return qpm return None def parse_key_elem(elem: Element) -> Dict: """Return a dictionary with data parsed from a key element.""" mode = get_text(elem, "mode", "major") fifths = int(get_required_text(elem, "fifths")) if mode is None: return {"fifths": fifths} idx = MODE_CENTERS[mode] + fifths if idx < 0 or idx > 20: return {"fifths": fifths, "mode": mode} root, root_str = CIRCLE_OF_FIFTHS[MODE_CENTERS[mode] + fifths] return {"root": root, "mode": mode, "fifths": fifths, "root_str": root_str} def parse_pitch_elem(elem: Element) -> Tuple[int, str]: """Return a (pitch, pitch_str) tuple parsed from a pitch element.""" step = get_required_text(elem, "step") octave = int(get_required_text(elem, "octave")) alter = int(get_text(elem, "alter", 0)) pitch = 12 * (octave + 1) + NOTE_MAP[step] + alter if alter > 0: pitch_str = step + "#" * alter + str(octave) elif alter < 0: pitch_str = step + "b" * (-alter) + str(octave) else: pitch_str = step + str(octave) return pitch, pitch_str def parse_part_elem( part_elem: Element, resolution: int, instrument_info: dict ) -> dict: """Return a dictionary with data parsed from a part element.""" # Initialize lists and placeholders tempos: List[Tempo] = [] key_signatures: List[KeySignature] = [] time_signatures: List[TimeSignature] = [] notes: Dict[str, List[Note]] = { instrument_id: [] for instrument_id in instrument_info } ties: Dict[Tuple[str, int], int] = {} # Initialize variables time = 0 velocity = 64 factor = resolution default_instrument_id = next(iter(instrument_info)) transpose_semitone = 0 transpose_octave = 0 # Iterate over all elements for measure_elem in part_elem.findall("measure"): # Initialize position position = 0 last_note_position = None for elem in measure_elem: # TODO: Handle repeat, segno, dalsegno, coda, tocoda, fine # TODO: Handle lyrics if elem.tag == "attributes": # Division division_elem = elem.find("divisions") if ( division_elem is not None and division_elem.text is not None ): factor = resolution // int(division_elem.text) # Transpose transpose_elem = elem.find("transpose") if transpose_elem is not None: transpose_semitone = int( get_required_text(transpose_elem, "chromatic") ) octave_change = get_text(transpose_elem, "octave-change") if octave_change is not None: transpose_octave = int(octave_change) # Time signatures time_elem = elem.find("time") if time_elem is not None: # Numerator beats = get_required_text(time_elem, "beats") if "+" in beats: numerator = sum(int(beat) for beat in beats.split("+")) else: numerator = int(beats) # Denominator beat_type = get_required_text(time_elem, "beat-type") if "+" in beat_type: raise RuntimeError( "Compound time signatures with separate fractions " "are not supported." ) denominator = int(beat_type) time_signatures.append( TimeSignature( time=time + position, numerator=numerator, denominator=denominator, ) ) # Key signatures key_elem = elem.find("key") if key_elem is not None: parsed_key = parse_key_elem(key_elem) if parsed_key is not None: key_signature = KeySignature( time=time + position, root=parsed_key.get("root"), mode=parsed_key.get("mode"), root_str=parsed_key.get("root_str"), ) key_signatures.append(key_signature) # Sound element elif elem.tag == "sound": # Tempo tempo = elem.get("tempo") if tempo is not None: tempos.append(Tempo(time + position, float(tempo))) # Dynamics dynamics = elem.get("dynamics") if dynamics is not None: velocity = int(float(dynamics)) elif elem.tag == "direction": # TODO: Handle symbolic dynamics and tempo tempo_set = False # Sound element sound_elem = elem.find("sound") if sound_elem is not None: # Tempo tempo = sound_elem.get("tempo") if tempo is not None: tempos.append( Tempo(time=time + position, qpm=float(tempo)) ) tempo_set = True # Dynamics dynamics = sound_elem.get("dynamics") if dynamics is not None: velocity = int(float(dynamics)) # Metronome element if not tempo_set: metronome_elem = elem.find("direction-type/metronome") if metronome_elem is not None: qpm = parse_metronome_elem(metronome_elem) if qpm is not None: tempos.append(Tempo(time=time + position, qpm=qpm)) elif elem.tag == "note": # TODO: Handle voice information # Check if it is a grace note # TODO: Handle grace notes grace_elem = elem.find("grace") if grace_elem is not None: continue # Check if it is an unpitched note # TODO: Handle unpitched notes unpitched_elem = elem.find("unpitched") if unpitched_elem is not None: continue # Move time position backward if it is in chord if elem.find("chord") is not None: if last_note_position is not None: position = last_note_position # Get duration duration = int(get_required_text(elem, "duration")) # Check if it is a rest rest_elem = elem.find("rest") if rest_elem is not None: position += duration * factor continue # Compute pitch number pitch, pitch_str = parse_pitch_elem( get_required(elem, "pitch") ) pitch += 12 * transpose_octave + transpose_semitone # Check if it is a tied note is_outgoing_tie = False for tie_elem in elem.findall("tie"): if tie_elem.get("type") == "start": is_outgoing_tie = True # Get instrument information instrument_elem = elem.find("instrument") if instrument_elem is not None: instrument_id = get_required_text(instrument_elem, "id") if instrument_id not in instrument_info: raise MusicXMLError( "ID of an 'instrument' element must be predefined " "in a 'score-instrument' element." ) else: instrument_id = default_instrument_id # Check if it is an incoming tied note note_key = (instrument_id, pitch) if note_key in ties: note_idx = ties[note_key] notes[instrument_id][note_idx].duration += ( duration * factor ) if is_outgoing_tie: ties[note_key] = note_idx else: del ties[note_key] else: # Create a new note and append it to the note list note = Note( time=time + position, pitch=pitch, duration=duration * factor, velocity=velocity, pitch_str=pitch_str, ) notes[instrument_id].append(note) if is_outgoing_tie: ties[note_key] = len(notes[instrument_id]) - 1 # Move time position forward if it is not in chord last_note_position = position position += duration * factor elif elem.tag == "forward": duration = int(get_required_text(elem, "duration")) position += duration * factor elif elem.tag == "backup": duration = int(get_required_text(elem, "duration")) position -= duration * factor time += position # Sort notes for instrument_notes in notes.values(): instrument_notes.sort( key=attrgetter("time", "pitch", "duration", "velocity") ) return { "tempos": tempos, "key_signatures": key_signatures, "time_signatures": time_signatures, "notes": notes, } def parse_metadata(root: Element) -> Metadata: """Return a Metadata object parsed from a MusicXML file.""" # Title is usually stored in movement-title # See title = get_text(root, "movement-title", remove_newlines=True) if not title: title = get_text(root, "work/work-title", remove_newlines=True) # Creators and copyrights creators = [] copyrights = [] identification_elem = root.find("identification") if identification_elem is not None: for creator_elem in identification_elem.findall("creator"): if creator_elem.text: creators.append(creator_elem.text) for right_elem in identification_elem.findall("rights"): if right_elem.text: copyrights.append(right_elem.text) return Metadata( title=title, creators=creators, copyright=" ".join(copyrights) if copyrights else None, source_format="musicxml", ) def _get_root(path: Union[str, Path], compressed: Optional[bool] = None): """Return root of the element tree.""" if compressed is None: compressed = str(path).endswith(".mxl") if not compressed: tree = ET.parse(str(path)) return tree.getroot() # Find out the main MusicXML file in the compressed ZIP archive # according to the official tutorial (see # zip_file = ZipFile(str(path)) if "META-INF/container.xml" not in zip_file.namelist(): raise MusicXMLError("Container file ('container.xml') not found.") container = ET.fromstring("META-INF/container.xml")) rootfile = container.find("rootfiles/rootfile") if rootfile is None: raise MusicXMLError( "Element 'rootfile' tag not found in the container file " "('container.xml')." ) filename = get_required_attr(rootfile, "full-path") return ET.fromstring( def _get_divisions(root: Element): """Return a list of divisions.""" divisions = [] for division_elem in root.findall("part/measure/attributes/divisions"): if division_elem.text is None: continue if not float(division_elem.text).is_integer(): raise MusicXMLError( "Noninteger 'division' values are not supported." ) divisions.append(int(division_elem.text)) return divisions def parse_score_part_elem(elem: Element) -> Tuple[str, OrderedDict]: """Return part information parsed from a score part element.""" # Part ID part_id = get_required_attr(elem, "id") # Part name part_name = get_text(elem, "part-name", remove_newlines=True) # Instruments part_info: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() for score_instrument_elem in elem.findall("score-instrument"): instrument_id = get_required_attr(score_instrument_elem, "id") part_info[instrument_id] = OrderedDict() part_info[instrument_id]["name"] = get_text( score_instrument_elem, "instrument-name", part_name, remove_newlines=True, ) for midi_instrument_elem in elem.findall("midi-instrument"): instrument_id = get_required_attr(midi_instrument_elem, "id") if instrument_id not in part_info: if instrument_id == part_id: instrument_id = "" part_info[""] = {"name": part_name} else: raise MusicXMLError( "ID of a 'midi-instrument' element must be predefined " "in a 'score-instrument' element." ) part_info[instrument_id]["program"] = int( get_text(midi_instrument_elem, "midi-program", 0) ) part_info[instrument_id]["is_drum"] = ( int(get_text(midi_instrument_elem, "midi-channel", 0)) == 10 ) if not part_info: part_info[""] = {"name": part_name} for value in part_info.values(): if "program" not in value: value["program"] = 0 if "is_drum" not in value: value["is_drum"] = False return part_id, part_info
[docs]def read_musicxml( path: Union[str, Path], compressed: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Music: """Read a MusicXML file into a Music object. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the MusicXML file to read. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` Converted Music object. Notes ----- Grace notes and unpitched notes are not supported. """ # Get element tree root root = _get_root(path, compressed) if root.tag == "score-timewise": raise ValueError("MusicXML file with timewise type is not supported.") # Meta data metadata = parse_metadata(root) metadata.source_filename = Path(path).name # Set resolution to the least common multiple of all divisions # TODO: Support custom resolution divisions = _get_divisions(root) resolution = lcm(*divisions) if divisions else 1 # Part information part_info: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() for part_elem in root.findall("part-list/score-part"): part_id, info = parse_score_part_elem(part_elem) part_info[part_id] = info if not root.find("part"): return Music(metadata=metadata, resolution=resolution) # Initialize lists tempos: List[Tempo] = [] key_signatures: List[KeySignature] = [] time_signatures: List[TimeSignature] = [] tracks: List[Track] = [] # Raise an error if part-list information is missing for a # multi-part piece if not part_info: if len(root.findall("part")) > 1: raise MusicXMLError( "Part-list information is required for a multi-part piece." ) part_elem = get_required(root, "part") instrument_info = {"": {"program": 0, "is_drum": False}} part = parse_part_elem(part_elem, resolution, instrument_info) else: # Iterate over all parts and measures for part_elem in root.findall("part"): part_id = part_elem.get("id") # type: ignore if part_id is None: if len(root.findall("part")) > 1: continue part_id = next(iter(part_info)) if part_id not in part_info: continue # Parse part part = parse_part_elem(part_elem, resolution, part_info[part_id]) # Extend lists tempos.extend(part["tempos"]) key_signatures.extend(part["key_signatures"]) time_signatures.extend(part["time_signatures"]) for instrument_id, notes in part["notes"].items(): track = Track( program=part_info[part_id][instrument_id]["program"], is_drum=part_info[part_id][instrument_id]["is_drum"], name=part_info[part_id][instrument_id]["name"], notes=notes, ) tracks.append(track) # Sort tempos, key signatures and time signatures tempos.sort(key=attrgetter("time")) key_signatures.sort(key=attrgetter("time")) time_signatures.sort(key=attrgetter("time")) return Music( metadata=metadata, resolution=resolution, tempos=tempos, key_signatures=key_signatures, time_signatures=time_signatures, tracks=tracks, )