Source code for muspy.datasets.hymnal

"""Hymnal Dataset."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import requests

from ..inputs import read_midi
from import Music
from .base import DatasetInfo, FolderDataset

_NAME = "Hymnal Dataset"
The Hymnal Dataset is a collection of hymns in MIDI format available at"""

[docs]class HymnalDataset(FolderDataset): """Hymnal Dataset.""" _info = DatasetInfo(_NAME, _DESCRIPTION, _HOMEPAGE) _extension = "mid" _type = "mid" def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download: bool = False, convert: bool = False, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, use_converted: Optional[bool] = None, ): self.root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() if not self.root.exists(): raise ValueError("`root` must be an existing path.") if not self.root.is_dir(): raise ValueError("`root` must be a directory.") if download: super().__init__( root, convert, kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions, use_converted )
[docs] def read(self, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" return read_midi(self.root / filename)
[docs] def download(self) -> "FolderDataset": """Download the source datasets. Returns ------- Object itself. """ # Maximum consecutive trials allowed to fail tolerance = 10 kinds = ["Classic", "New Tunes", "New Songs", "Children"] keys = ["h", "nt", "ns", "c"] print("Downloading sources.") for kind, key in zip(kinds, keys): # Make sure the folder exists (self.root / kind).mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Reset the index and the consecutive failure counter idx = 1 consecutive_failure_count = 0 # Loop until the number of consecutive failures exceed # the tolerance while consecutive_failure_count < tolerance: # Send a HEAD request to check if content type is MIDI url = "{}/{}/f={}".format( key, idx, self._type ) req = requests.head(url) if req.headers["Content-Type"] != "audio/midi": consecutive_failure_count += 1 continue # Send another HEAD request to check if we have # exceeded the total number of pieces -> When we request # for an out of bound index, it seems that it will # randomly return another piece. Thus, if the first and # the second requests have different content sizes, we # can break the loop. second_req = requests.head(url) if ( second_req.headers["Content-Length"] != req.headers["Content-Length"] ): break # Send a GET request to get the MIDI file req = requests.get(url) filename = str(self.root / kind / (str(idx) + ".mid")) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(req.content) # Reset the consecutive failure counter if consecutive_failure_count: consecutive_failure_count = 0 idx += 1 if idx % 100 == 0: print("Successfully downloaded {} files.".format(idx)) (self.root / ".muspy.success").touch(exist_ok=True) return self
[docs]class HymnalTuneDataset(FolderDataset): """Hymnal Dataset (tune only).""" _info = DatasetInfo(_NAME, _DESCRIPTION, _HOMEPAGE) _extension = "mid" _type = "tune" def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download: bool = False, convert: bool = False, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, use_converted: Optional[bool] = None, ): self.root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() if not self.root.exists(): raise ValueError("`root` must be an existing path.") if not self.root.is_dir(): raise ValueError("`root` must be a directory.") if download: super().__init__( root, convert, kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions, use_converted )
[docs] def read(self, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" return read_midi(self.root / filename)
[docs] def download(self) -> "FolderDataset": """Download the source datasets. Returns ------- Object itself. """ # Maximum consecutive trials allowed to fail tolerance = 10 kinds = ["Classic", "New Tunes", "New Songs", "Children"] keys = ["h", "nt", "ns", "c"] print("Downloading sources.") for kind, key in zip(kinds, keys): # Make sure the folder exists (self.root / kind).mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Reset the index and the consecutive failure counter idx = 1 consecutive_failure_count = 0 # Loop until the number of consecutive failures exceed # the tolerance while consecutive_failure_count < tolerance: # Send a HEAD request to check if content type is MIDI url = "{}/{}/f={}".format( key, idx, self._type ) req = requests.head(url) if req.headers["Content-Type"] != "audio/midi": consecutive_failure_count += 1 continue # Send another HEAD request to check if we have # exceeded the total number of pieces -> When we request # for an out of bound index, it seems that it will # randomly return another piece. Thus, if the first and # the second requests have different content sizes, we # can break the loop. second_req = requests.head(url) if ( second_req.headers["Content-Length"] != req.headers["Content-Length"] ): break # Send a GET request to get the MIDI file req = requests.get(url) filename = str(self.root / kind / (str(idx) + ".mid")) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(req.content) # Reset the consecutive failure counter if consecutive_failure_count: consecutive_failure_count = 0 idx += 1 if idx % 100 == 0: print("Successfully downloaded {} files.".format(idx)) (self.root / ".muspy.success").touch(exist_ok=True) return self