Source code for muspy.visualization.score

"""Score visualization interface.

Unicode encoding for musical symbols is based on Standard Music Font
Layout (SMuFL) (see

import warnings
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Arc, Rectangle
from matplotlib.text import Text

from ..base import Base
from ..classes import KeySignature, Note, Tempo, TimeSignature
from ..external import get_bravura_font_path

    from import Music

    2: "\uE1D0",  # double whole note
    1: "\uE1D2",  # whole note
    0.5: "\uE1D3",  # half note
    0.25: "\uE1D5",  # quarter note
    0.125: "\uE1D7",  # 8th note
    0.0625: "\uE1D9",  # 16th note
    0.03125: "\uE1DB",  # 32th note
    0.015625: "\uE1DD",  # 64th note
    0.0078125: "\uE1DF",  # 128th note
    0.00390625: "\uE1E1",  # 256th note
    0.001953125: "\uE1E3",  # 512th note
    0.0009765625: "\uE1E5",  # 1024th note
    # Dotted
    3: "\uE1D0 \uE1E7",
    1.5: "\uE1D2 \uE1E7",
    0.75: "\uE1D3 \uE1E7",
    0.375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.1875: "\uE1D7 \uE1E7",
    0.09375: "\uE1D9 \uE1E7",
    0.046875: "\uE1DB \uE1E7",
    0.0234375: "\uE1DD \uE1E7",
    0.01171875: "\uE1DF \uE1E7",
    0.005859375: "\uE1E1 \uE1E7",
    0.0029296875: "\uE1E3 \uE1E7",
    0.00146484375: "\uE1E5 \uE1E7",
    # Double dotted
    3.5: "\uE1D0 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    1.75: "\uE1D2 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.875: "\uE1D3 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.4375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.21875: "\uE1D7 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.109375: "\uE1D9 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0546875: "\uE1DB \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.02734375: "\uE1DD \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.013671875: "\uE1DF \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0068359375: "\uE1E1 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.00341796875: "\uE1E3 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.001708984375: "\uE1E5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",

    2: "\uE1D0",  # double whole note
    1: "\uE1D2",  # whole note
    0.5: "\uE1D3",  # half note
    0.25: "\uE1D5",  # quarter note
    0.125: "\uE1D5",  # 8th note
    0.0625: "\uE1D5",  # 16th note
    0.03125: "\uE1D5",  # 32th note
    0.015625: "\uE1D5",  # 64th note
    0.0078125: "\uE1D5",  # 128th note
    0.00390625: "\uE1D5",  # 256th note
    0.001953125: "\uE1D5",  # 512th note
    0.0009765625: "\uE1D5",  # 1024th note
    # Dotted
    3: "\uE1D0 \uE1E7",
    1.5: "\uE1D2 \uE1E7",
    0.75: "\uE1D3 \uE1E7",
    0.375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.1875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.09375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.046875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.0234375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.01171875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.005859375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.0029296875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    0.00146484375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7",
    # Double dotted
    3.5: "\uE1D0 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    1.75: "\uE1D2 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.875: "\uE1D3 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.4375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.21875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.109375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0546875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.02734375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.013671875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0068359375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.00341796875: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.001708984375: "\uE1D5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",

    2: "\uE4E2",  # double whole rest
    1: "\uE4E3",  # whole rest
    0.5: "\uE1E4",  # half rest
    0.25: "\uE1E5",  # quarter rest
    0.125: "\uE1E6",  # 8th rest
    0.0625: "\uE1E7",  # 16th rest
    0.03125: "\uE1E8",  # 32th rest
    0.015625: "\uE1E9",  # 64th rest
    0.0078125: "\uE1EA",  # 128th rest
    0.00390625: "\uE1EB",  # 256th rest
    0.001953125: "\uE1EC",  # 512th rest
    0.0009765625: "\uE1ED",  # 1024th rest
    # Dotted
    3: "\uE4E2 \uE1E7",
    1.5: "\uE4E3 \uE1E7",
    0.75: "\uE1E4 \uE1E7",
    0.375: "\uE1E5 \uE1E7",
    0.1875: "\uE1E6 \uE1E7",
    0.09375: "\uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.046875: "\uE1E8 \uE1E7",
    0.0234375: "\uE1E9 \uE1E7",
    0.01171875: "\uE1EA \uE1E7",
    0.005859375: "\uE1EB \uE1E7",
    0.0029296875: "\uE1EC \uE1E7",
    0.00146484375: "\uE1ED \uE1E7",
    # Double dotted
    3.5: "\uE4E2 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    1.75: "\uE4E3 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.875: "\uE1E4 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.4375: "\uE1E5 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.21875: "\uE1E6 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.109375: "\uE1E7 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0546875: "\uE1E8 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.02734375: "\uE1E9 \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.013671875: "\uE1EA \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.0068359375: "\uE1EB \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.00341796875: "\uE1EC \uE1E7 \uE1E7",
    0.001708984375: "\uE1ED \uE1E7 \uE1E7",

    "\uE1D0",  # double whole note
    "\uE1D2",  # whole note
    "\uE1D3",  # half note
    "\uE1D5",  # quarter note
    "\uE1D7",  # 8th note
    "\uE1D9",  # 16th note
    "\uE1DB",  # 32th note
    "\uE1DD",  # 64th note
    "\uE1DF",  # 128th note
    "\uE1E1",  # 256th note
    "\uE1E3",  # 512th note
    "\uE1E5",  # 1024th note


def _to_compound_note_codes(note_counts) -> List[str]:
    note_codes = []
    for i, note_count in enumerate(note_counts):
        for _ in range(note_count):
    return note_codes

def _to_compound_note_codes_alt(note_counts) -> List[str]:
    note_codes = []
    for i, note_count in enumerate(note_counts):
        for _ in range(note_count):
    return note_codes

def _to_note_counts(note_value) -> List[int]:
    """Return a list of counts of notes that sum to a note value.

    For example, a note value of 1.75 will be decoposed into a whole note, a
    half note and a quarter note, respectively. The return list is of
    length 12, where the first value corresponds to the count of double
    whole notes and the last value corresponds to the count of 1024th notes.

    if note_value < 2:
        base2 = bin(int(note_value * 1024))[2:]
        return [0] * (12 - len(base2)) + [int(bit) for bit in base2]
    first_bit, remainder = divmod(note_value, 2)
    base2 = bin(int(remainder * 1024))[2:]
    return (
        + [0] * (11 - len(base2))
        + [int(bit) for bit in base2]

def to_note_codes(note_value) -> List[str]:
    """Return a note value as a list of note codes.

    For example, a note value of 1.75 will be decoposed into a whole note, a
    half note and a quarter note, respectively.

    note_code = COMMON_NOTE_CODES.get(note_value)
    if note_code is not None:
        return [note_code]
    note_counts = _to_note_counts(note_value)
    return _to_compound_note_codes(note_counts)

def to_note_codes_alt(note_value) -> List[str]:
    """Return a note value as a list of note codes (with straight beams).

    This is useful for making chords as all the notes comes with a straight
    beam. For example, a note value of 1.75 will be decoposed into a whole
    note, a half note and a quarter note, respectively.

    note_code = COMMON_NOTE_CODES_ALT.get(note_value)
    if note_code is not None:
        return [note_code]
    note_counts = _to_note_counts(note_value)
    return _to_compound_note_codes_alt(note_counts)

def get_time_signature_code(number: int) -> str:
    """Return a string for a time signature number."""
    if number > 10:
        div, mod = divmod(number, 10)
        return chr(57472 + div) + chr(57472 + mod)
    return chr(57472 + number)

def get_pitch_classes(fifths: int) -> List[int]:
    """Return a list indicating the root note of each pitch number."""
    if fifths >= 0:
        return [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6]
    return [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6]

def get_accidentals(fifths: int) -> List[Optional[int]]:
    """Return a list indicating the accidentals and the pitch classes."""
    if fifths >= 0:
        accidentals = [None, 1, None, 1, None, None, 1, None, 1, None, 1, None]
        if fifths > 0:
            sharps = [5, 0, 7, 2, 9, 4, 11]
            for idx in sharps[:fifths]:
                # No accidental for the sharp note
                accidentals[idx + 1] = None
                # Natural for the original note
                accidentals[idx] = 0
    elif fifths < 0:
        accidentals = [
        flats = [11, 4, 9, 2, 7, 0, 5]
        for idx in flats[:(-fifths)]:
            # No accidental for the flat note
            accidentals[idx - 1] = None
            # Natural for the original note
            accidentals[idx] = 0

    return accidentals

[docs]class ScorePlotter: """A plotter that handles the score visualization. Attributes ---------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object Figure object to plot the score on. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object Axes object to plot the score on. resolution : int Time steps per quarter note. note_spacing : int, optional Spacing of notes. Defaults to 4. font_path : str or Path, optional Path to the music font. Defaults to the path to the downloaded Bravura font. font_scale : float, optional Font scaling factor for finetuning. Defaults to 140, optimized for the Bravura font. """ def __init__( self, fig: Figure, ax: Axes, resolution: int, note_spacing: Optional[int] = None, font_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, font_scale: Optional[float] = None, ): self.fig = fig = ax self.resolution = resolution self.note_spacing = note_spacing if note_spacing is not None else 4 if font_path is None: self.font_path = get_bravura_font_path() else: self.font_path = Path(font_path) self.font_scale = 140 if font_scale is None else font_scale # Check if font path exists if not self.font_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "Music font not found. You could download it by " "`muspy.download_bravura_font()`." ) # Set the axes to 1:1 aspect ratio"equal") # Turn off the axis # Initialize vertical boundaries self.left = 0.0 self.right = 0.0 self.bottom = 0.0 = 0.0 # Initialize lists to store created objects self.staffs: List[Line2D] = [] self.bar_lines: List[Line2D] = [] self.final_bar_line = None self.clefs: List[Text] = [] self.tempo_texts: List[Text] = [] self.tempo_notes: List[Text] = [] self.key_signatures: List[Text] = [] self.time_signatures: List[Text] = [] self.notes: List[Text] = [] self.ties: List[Arc] = [] # Initialize baseline position # (i.e., the y-coordinate of the first, lowest staff line) self._baseline = 0.0 # Initialize horizontal position cursor self._pos = 0.0 # Variables for handling notes self._force_new_note = True self._clef_offset = 0.0 self._last_note_time = 0 self._last_note_pos = 0.0 self._last_note_y = 0.0 self._splits_max = 0 self._bottom_note_y = 0.0 self._top_note_y = 0.0 # Variables for handling key signatures self._pitch_classes = get_pitch_classes(0) self._accidentals = get_accidentals(0)
[docs] def set_baseline(self, y): """Set baseline position (the y-coordinate of the first staff line).""" self._baseline = y = max(, self._baseline) self.bottom = max(self.bottom, self._baseline) self._bottom_note_y = self._baseline self._top_note_y = self._baseline + 4
[docs] def adjust_fonts(self, scale: Optional[float] = None): """Adjust the fonts.""" if scale is None: scale = self.font_scale, self.right), # Compute scaling factor ax_pos = scaling_factor = (ax_pos.y1 - ax_pos.y0) / ( - self.bottom) # Set font size for normal texts fontsize = self.fig.get_figheight() * scaling_factor * scale for tempo_text in self.tempo_texts: tempo_text.set_fontsize(fontsize) tempo_text.set_fontfamily("serif") # Set music font for tempo notes prop_small = FontProperties(fname=self.font_path, size=fontsize) for tempo_note in self.tempo_notes: tempo_note.set_fontproperties(prop_small) # Set music font for music texts prop = FontProperties(fname=self.font_path, size=fontsize * 2) for key_signature in self.key_signatures: key_signature.set_fontproperties(prop) for time_signature in self.time_signatures: time_signature.set_fontproperties(prop) for clef in self.clefs: clef.set_fontproperties(prop) for note in self.notes: note.set_fontproperties(prop)
[docs] def update_boundaries( self, left: Optional[float] = None, right: Optional[float] = None, bottom: Optional[float] = None, top: Optional[float] = None, ): """Update boundaries.""" if left is not None: self.left = min(self.left, left) if right is not None: self.right = max(self.right, right) if bottom is not None: self.bottom = min(self.bottom, bottom) if top is not None: = max(, top)
[docs] def plot_staffs( self, start: Optional[float] = None, end: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[Line2D]: """Plot the staffs.""" if start is None: start = 0 if end is None: end = self._pos staffs = [] for y in range(5): staff = Line2D( [start, end], [self._baseline + y, self._baseline + y], color="k", linewidth=2, ) staffs.append(staff) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries( left=start - 1, right=end + 1, bottom=self._baseline - 1, top=self._baseline + 5, ) return staffs
[docs] def plot_bar_line(self) -> Line2D: """Plot a bar line.""" bar_line = Line2D( (self._pos, self._pos), (self._baseline, self._baseline + 4), linewidth=2, color="k", ) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries(left=self._pos - 1, right=self._pos + 1) # Move position cursor self._pos += 1 # Force the next note to be a new note self._force_new_note = True return bar_line
[docs] def plot_final_bar_line(self) -> List[Artist]: """Plot an ending bar line.""" bar_line = Line2D( (self._pos, self._pos), (self._baseline, self._baseline + 4), linewidth=2, color="k", ) thick_bar_line = Rectangle( (self._pos + 0.5, self._baseline), 0.5, 4, color="k", linewidth=2, ) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries(left=self._pos - 1, right=self._pos + 1) # Move position cursor self._pos += 1 return [bar_line, thick_bar_line]
[docs] def plot_clef(self, kind="treble", octave=0) -> Text: """Plot a clef.""" # Treble clef if kind.lower() == "treble": if octave == 0: clef =, 1, "\uE050") self._clef_offset = 0 elif octave == 1: clef =, 1, "\uE053") self._clef_offset = -3.5 elif octave == -1: clef =, 1, "\uE052") self._clef_offset = 3.5 elif octave == 2: clef =, 1, "\uE054") self._clef_offset = -7 elif octave == -2: clef =, 1, "\uE051") self._clef_offset = 7 else: raise ValueError( "`octave` must be one of 0, ±1, ±2 for a treble clef." ) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries( bottom=self._baseline - 2, top=self._baseline + 6 ) # Alto clef elif kind.lower() == "alto": if octave == 0: clef =, 2, "\uE05C") self._clef_offset = 3 elif octave == -1: clef =, 2, "\uE05D") self._clef_offset = 6.5 else: raise ValueError( "`octave` must be either 0 or -1 for an alto clef." ) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries(bottom=self._baseline - 1) # Bass clef elif kind.lower() == "bass": if octave == 0: clef =, 3, "\uE062") self._clef_offset = 6 elif octave == 1: clef =, 3, "\uE065") self._clef_offset = 2.5 elif octave == -1: clef =, 3, "\uE064") self._clef_offset = 9.5 elif octave == 2: clef =, 3, "\uE066") self._clef_offset = -1 elif octave == -2: clef =, 3, "\uE063") self._clef_offset = 13 else: raise ValueError( "`octave` must be one of 0, ±1, ±2 for a bass clef." ) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries(bottom=self._baseline - 1) # Append clef to the correpsonding attribute self.clefs.append(clef) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries(left=self._pos - 1, right=self._pos + 4) # Move position cursor self._pos += 4 # Force the next note to be a new note self._force_new_note = True return clef
[docs] def plot_tempo(self, qpm) -> List[Artist]: """Plot a tempo as a metronome mark.""" note =, 7, "\uE1D5", ha="right") self.tempo_notes.append(note) text =, 7, " = " + str(int(qpm))) self.tempo_texts.append(text) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries( left=self._pos - 2, right=self._pos + 4, top=self._baseline + 10 ) return [note, text]
[docs] def plot_key_signature(self, root: int, mode: str): """Plot a key signature. Only major and minor keys are supported."""
# self._accidentals = _get_accidentals(0) # self._pitches = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6] # TODO: Support keys other than major and minor keys
[docs] def plot_time_signature( self, numerator: int, denominator: int ) -> List[Text]: """Plot a time signature.""" numerator_text = self._pos + 1, 3, get_time_signature_code(numerator), ha="center" ) self.time_signatures.append(numerator_text) denominator_text = self._pos + 1, 1, get_time_signature_code(denominator), ha="center" ) self.time_signatures.append(denominator_text) # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries( left=self._pos - 1, right=self._pos + 5, bottom=self._baseline - 2, top=self._baseline + 6, ) # Move position cursor self._pos += 4 # Force the next note to be a new note self._force_new_note = True return [numerator_text, denominator_text]
[docs] def plot_note( self, time, duration, pitch ) -> Optional[Tuple[List[Text], List[Arc]]]: """Plot a note.""" if time < self._last_note_time: warnings.warn( "Note times must be sorted. Skipped unsorted one.", RuntimeWarning, ) return None # If force new note is set, reset all state variables if self._force_new_note: self._last_note_pos = self._pos self._splits_max = 0 self._bottom_note_y = self._baseline self._top_note_y = self._baseline + 4 # If not a chord, reset all state variables elif time > self._last_note_time: self._pos = ( self._last_note_pos + self.note_spacing * self._splits_max ) self._last_note_pos = self._pos self._splits_max = 0 self._bottom_note_y = self._baseline self._top_note_y = self._baseline + 4 # If not a chord, set position back to last note else: self._pos = self._last_note_pos # Compute note position octave, pitch_class = divmod(pitch, 12) note_y = ( self._pitch_classes[pitch_class] / 2 + (octave - 5) * 3.5 - 1 + self._clef_offset ) # Get note codes if ( not self._force_new_note and time == self._last_note_time and note_y + 3.5 > self._last_note_y ): note_codes = to_note_codes_alt(duration * 0.25 / self.resolution) else: note_codes = to_note_codes(duration * 0.25 / self.resolution) # Plot notes texts: List[Text] = [] ties: List[Arc] = [] for i, code in enumerate(note_codes): # Note without an accidental if self._accidentals[pitch_class] is None: text =, note_y, code) # Note with a sharp elif self._accidentals[pitch_class] == 1: text = - 1, note_y, "\uE262" + code) # Note with a flat elif self._accidentals[pitch_class] == -1: text = - 1, note_y, "\uE260" + code) # Note with a natural elif self._accidentals[pitch_class] == 0: text = - 1, note_y, "\uE261" + code) self.notes.append(text) texts.append(text) # Plot a slur if not the first note if i > 0: x_center = self._pos - self.note_spacing * 0.5 + 0.7 # Upper half tie = Arc( (x_center, note_y + 1.8), 1.4 * self.note_spacing, 1.4 * self.note_spacing, theta1=240, theta2=300, linewidth=2, ) self.ties.append(tie) self._pos += self.note_spacing # Extend margins self._splits_max = max(self._splits_max, len(note_codes)) self._last_note_time = time self._last_note_y = note_y # Plot ledger lines if note_y < self._bottom_note_y: for y in range(int(note_y), int(self._bottom_note_y)): ( self._pos - self.note_spacing - 0.4, self._pos - self.note_spacing + 1.7, ), (y, y), linewidth=2, color="k", ) self._bottom_note_y = note_y elif note_y > self._top_note_y: for y in range(int(self._top_note_y) + 1, int(note_y) + 1): ( self._pos - self.note_spacing - 0.4, self._pos - self.note_spacing + 1.7, ), (y, y), linewidth=2, color="k", ) self._top_note_y = note_y # Update boundaries self.update_boundaries( left=self._pos + self.note_spacing, right=self._last_note_pos - 1, bottom=self._baseline + note_y - 2.5, top=self._baseline + note_y + 5.5, ) self._force_new_note = False return texts, ties
[docs] def plot_object(self, obj): """Plot an object.""" if isinstance(obj, Note): self.plot_note(obj.time, obj.duration, obj.pitch) elif isinstance(obj, Tempo): self.plot_tempo(obj.qpm) elif isinstance(obj, TimeSignature): self.plot_time_signature(obj.numerator, obj.denominator) elif isinstance(obj, KeySignature): self.plot_key_signature(obj.root, obj.mode)
[docs]def show_score( music: "Music", figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, clef: str = "treble", clef_octave: Optional[int] = 0, note_spacing: Optional[int] = None, font_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, font_scale: Optional[float] = None, ) -> ScorePlotter: """Show score visualization. Parameters ---------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` object Music object to show. figsize : (float, float), optional Width and height in inches. Defaults to Matplotlib configuration. clef : str, {'treble', 'alto', 'bass'} Clef type. Defaults to a treble clef. clef_octave : int Clef octave. Defaults to zero. note_spacing : int, optional Spacing of notes. Defaults to 4. font_path : str or Path, optional Path to the music font. Defaults to the path to the built-in Bravura font. font_scale : float, optional Font scaling factor for finetuning. Defaults to 140, optimized for the Bravura font. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.ScorePlotter` object A ScorePlotter object that handles the score. """ # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Add a full-size axes (will be resized at the end) ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1)) # Create a score plotter plotter = ScorePlotter( fig, ax, resolution=music.resolution, note_spacing=note_spacing, font_path=font_path, font_scale=font_scale, ) # Begining bar line plotter.plot_bar_line() # Clef plotter.plot_clef(kind=clef, octave=clef_octave) # Tempos, key signatures, time signatures and notes notes = [] for track in music.tracks: notes += track.notes notes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.time, -x.pitch, x.duration)) objects: List[Base] = [] objects += music.key_signatures objects += music.time_signatures objects += music.tempos objects += notes objects.sort(key=attrgetter("time")) for obj in objects: plotter.plot_object(obj) # Final bar line plotter.plot_final_bar_line() # Staff lines plotter.plot_staffs() # Adjust fonts plotter.adjust_fonts(scale=font_scale) return plotter