Source code for muspy.inputs.pianoroll

"""Piano-roll input interface."""
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from pypianoroll import Multitrack
from pypianoroll import Track as PypianorollTrack

from ..classes import Metadata, Note, Tempo, Track
from import DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, Music

def _pianoroll_to_notes(
    array: ndarray, encode_velocity: bool, default_velocity: int
) -> List[Note]:
    binarized = array > 0
    diff = np.diff(binarized, axis=0, prepend=0, append=0)
    notes = []
    for i in range(128):
        boundaries = np.nonzero(diff[:, i])[0]
        for note_idx in range(len(boundaries) // 2):
            start = boundaries[2 * note_idx]
            end = boundaries[2 * note_idx + 1]
            if encode_velocity:
                velocity = array[start, i]
                velocity = default_velocity
            note = Note(
                time=start, duration=end - start, pitch=i, velocity=velocity,

    notes.sort(key=attrgetter("time", "pitch", "duration", "velocity"))

    return notes

def parse_pypianoroll_track(
    track: PypianorollTrack, default_velocity: int = 64
) -> Track:
    """Return a Track object parsed from a Pypianoroll Track object.

    track : :class:`pypianoroll.Track` object
        Pypianoroll Track object to convert.
    default_velocity : int
        Default velocity value to use when decoding. Defaults to 64.

    :class:`muspy.Track` object
        Converted track.

    # Convert piano roll to notes
    notes = _pianoroll_to_notes(
        track.pianoroll, not track.is_binarized, default_velocity
    return Track(
        notes=notes, if else None,

[docs]def from_pypianoroll( multitrack: Multitrack, default_velocity: int = 64 ) -> Music: """Return a Music object converted from a Pypianoroll Multitrack object. Parameters ---------- multitrack : :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack` object Multitrack object to convert. default_velocity : int Default velocity value to use when decoding. Defaults to 64. Returns ------- music : :class:`muspy.Music` object Converted MusPy Music object. """ # Tempos tempo_change_timings = np.diff(multitrack.tempo, prepend=-1).nonzero()[0] tempos = [ Tempo(time, qpm=multitrack.tempo[time]) for time in tempo_change_timings ] # Tracks tracks = [ parse_pypianoroll_track(track, default_velocity) for track in multitrack.tracks ] return Music( resolution=multitrack.beat_resolution, metadata=Metadata( if else None, tempos=tempos, tracks=tracks, )
[docs]def from_pianoroll_representation( array: ndarray, resolution: int = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, program: int = 0, is_drum: bool = False, encode_velocity: bool = True, default_velocity: int = 64, ) -> Music: """Decode pitch-based representation into a Music object. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Array in piano-roll representation to decode. Will be casted to integer if not of integer type. If `encode_velocity` is True, will be casted to boolean if not of boolean type. resolution : int Time steps per quarter note. Defaults to `muspy.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION`. program : int, optional Program number according to General MIDI specification [1]. Acceptable values are 0 to 127. Defaults to 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano). is_drum : bool, optional A boolean indicating if it is a percussion track. Defaults to False. encode_velocity : bool Whether to encode velocities. Defaults to True. default_velocity : int Default velocity value to use when decoding. Defaults to 64. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` object Decoded Music object. References ---------- [1] """ if encode_velocity and not np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.integer): array = array.astype( elif not encode_velocity and not np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.bool): array = array.astype(np.bool) # Convert piano roll to notes notes = _pianoroll_to_notes(array, encode_velocity, default_velocity) # Create the Track and Music objects track = Track(program=program, is_drum=is_drum, notes=notes) music = Music(resolution=resolution, tracks=[track]) return music