Source code for muspy.datasets.base

"""Base Dataset classes."""
import json
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState, permutation
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..inputs import load, read_abc_string
from import Music
from .utils import download_url, extract_archive

    from import Dataset as TorchDataset

    HAS_TORCH = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_TORCH = False

    import tensorflow as tf
    from import Dataset as TFDataset

except ImportError:

    from joblib import Parallel, delayed

    HAS_JOBLIB = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_JOBLIB = False

RemoteDatasetType = TypeVar("RemoteDatasetType", bound="RemoteDataset")
FolderDatasetType = TypeVar("FolderDatasetType", bound="FolderDataset")

[docs]class DatasetInfo: """A container for dataset information.""" def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, homepage: Optional[str] = None, license: Optional[str] = None, ): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin = name self.description = description self.homepage = homepage self.license = license def __repr__(self): to_join = [] for attr in ("name", "description", "homepage", "license"): if getattr(self, attr) is not None: to_join.append(attr + "=" + repr(getattr(self, attr))) return "DatasetInfo(" + ", ".join(to_join) + ")"
[docs]class Dataset: """Base class for all MusPy datasets. To build a custom dataset, it should inherit this class and overide the methods ``__getitem__`` and ``__len__`` as well as the class attribute ``_info``. ``__getitem__`` should return the ``i``-th data sample as a :class:`muspy.Music` object. ``__len__`` should return the size of the dataset. ``_info`` should be a :class:`muspy.DatasetInfo` instance containing the dataset information. """ _info: DatasetInfo = DatasetInfo() _citation: str = "" def __getitem__(self, index) -> Music: raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def info(cls): """Return the dataset infomation.""" return cls._info
[docs] @classmethod def citation(cls): """Print the citation infomation.""" return cls._citation
[docs] def save( self, root: Union[str, Path], kind: Optional[str] = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, ): """Save all the music objects to a directory. The converted files will be named by its index and saved to ``root/``. Parameters ---------- root : str or Path Root directory to save the data. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format to save the data. Defaults to 'json'. n_jobs : int, optional Maximum number of concurrently running jobs in multiprocessing. If equal to 1, disable multiprocessing. Defaults to 1. ignore_exceptions : bool, optional Whether to ignore errors and skip failed conversions. This can be helpful if some of the source files is known to be corrupted. Defaults to False. Notes ----- The original filenames can be found in the ``filenames`` attribute. For example, the file at ``filenames[i]`` will be converted and saved to ``{i}.json``. """ if kind not in ("json", "yaml"): raise TypeError("`kind` must be either 'json' or 'yaml'.") root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() if not root.exists(): raise ValueError("`root` must be an existing path.") def _saver(idx): prefix = "0" * (n_digits - len(str(idx))) if ignore_exceptions: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self[idx].save( root / (prefix + str(idx) + "." + kind), kind ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return False return True self[idx].save(root / (prefix + str(idx) + "." + kind), kind) return True n_digits = len(str(len(self))) print("Start converting and saving the dataset.") if n_jobs == 1: count = 0 for idx in tqdm(range(len(self))): # type: ignore if _saver(idx): count += 1 else: if not HAS_JOBLIB: raise ValueError( "Optional package joblib is required for multiprocessing " "(n_jobs > 1)." ) # TODO: This is slow as `self` is passed between workers. results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=5)( delayed(_saver)(idx) for idx in range(len(self)) ) count = results.count(True) print( "{} out of {} files successfully saved.".format(count, len(self)) ) (root / ".muspy.success").touch(exist_ok=True)
[docs] def split( self, filename: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, splits: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, random_state: Any = None, ) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Return the dataset as a PyTorch dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str or Path, optional If given and exists, path to the file to read the split from. If None or not exists, path to save the split. splits : float or list of float, optional Ratios for train-test-validation splits. If None, return the full dataset as a whole. If float, return train and test splits. If list of two floats, return train and test splits. If list of three floats, return train, test and validation splits. random_state : int, array_like or RandomState, optional Random state used to create the splits. If int or array_like, the value is passed to :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`, and the create RandomState object is used to create the splits. If RandomState, it will be used to create the splits. """ if filename is not None and Path(filename).is_file(): with open(str(filename)) as f: return json.load(f) if not isinstance(splits, (float, list, tuple)): raise TypeError("`splits` must be of type float, list or tuple.") if isinstance(splits, float): if splits <= 0: raise ValueError("`splits` must be positive.") if splits >= 1: raise ValueError("`splits` must be less than 1.") splits = [splits, 1 - splits] if isinstance(splits, (list, tuple)): if sum(splits) != 1: raise ValueError("`splits` must sum to 1.") if len(splits) < 2 or len(splits) > 3: raise ValueError("`splits` must have length 2 or 3.") if random_state is None: rand_indices = permutation(len(self)) else: if not isinstance(random_state, RandomState): random_state = RandomState(random_state) rand_indices = random_state.permutation(len(self)) boundaries = np.cumsum([0.0] + list(splits)) names = ("train", "test", "validation") indices = {} for idx, (start, end) in enumerate( zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:]) ): start_idx = int(start * len(self)) end_idx = int(end * len(self)) indices[names[idx]] = rand_indices[start_idx:end_idx] if filename is not None: indices_ = {key: value.tolist() for key, value in indices.items()} with open(str(filename), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(indices_)) return indices
[docs] def to_pytorch_dataset( self, factory: Optional[Callable] = None, representation: Optional[str] = None, split_filename: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, splits: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, random_state: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Union["TorchDataset", Dict[str, "TorchDataset"]]: """Return the dataset as a PyTorch dataset. Parameters ---------- factory : Callable, optional Function to be applied to the Music objects. The input is a Music object, and the output is an array or a tensor. representation : {'pitch', 'piano-roll', 'event', 'note'}, optional Target representation. split_filename : str or Path, optional If given and exists, path to the file to read the split from. If None or not exists, path to save the split. splits : float or list of float, optional Ratios for train-test-validation splits. If None, return the full dataset as a whole. If float, return train and test splits. If list of two floats, return train and test splits. If list of three floats, return train, test and validation splits. random_state : int, array_like or RandomState, optional Random state used to create the splits. If int or array_like, the value is passed to :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`, and the create RandomState object is used to create the splits. If RandomState, it will be used to create the splits. Returns -------` or Dict of` Converted PyTorch dataset(s). """ if representation is None and factory is None: raise TypeError( "One of `representation` and `factory` must be given." ) if representation is not None and factory is not None: raise TypeError( "Only one of `representation` and `factory` can be given." ) if not HAS_TORCH: raise ImportError("Optional package torch is required.") # No split if splits is None: if representation is not None: return TorchRepresentationDataset( self, representation, **kwargs ) return TorchMusicFactoryDataset(self, factory) # type: ignore datasets: Dict[str, TorchDataset] = {} indices_list = self.split(split_filename, splits, random_state) for key, value in indices_list.items(): if representation is not None: datasets[key] = TorchRepresentationDataset( self, representation, key, value, **kwargs, ) else: datasets[key] = TorchMusicFactoryDataset( self, factory, key, value, # type: ignore ) return datasets
[docs] def to_tensorflow_dataset( self, factory: Optional[Callable] = None, representation: Optional[str] = None, split_filename: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, splits: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, random_state: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Union["TFDataset", Dict[str, "TFDataset"]]: """Return the dataset as a TensorFlow dataset. Parameters ---------- factory : Callable, optional Function to be applied to the Music objects. The input is a Music object, and the output is an array or a tensor. representation : {'pitch', 'piano-roll', 'event', 'note'}, optional Target representation. split_filename : str or Path, optional If given and exists, path to the file to read the split from. If None or not exists, path to save the split. splits : float or list of float, optional Ratios for train-test-validation splits. If None, return the full dataset as a whole. If float, return train and test splits. If list of two floats, return train and test splits. If list of three floats, return train, test and validation splits. random_state : int, array_like or RandomState, optional Random state used to create the splits. If int or array_like, the value is passed to :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`, and the create RandomState object is used to create the splits. If RandomState, it will be used to create the splits. Returns -------` or Dict of` Converted TensorFlow dataset(s). """ if representation is None and factory is None: raise TypeError( "One of `representation` and `factory` must be given." ) if representation is not None and factory is not None: raise TypeError( "Only one of `representation` and `factory` can be given." ) if not HAS_TENSORFLOW: raise ImportError("Optional package tensorflow is required.") if representation is not None: def _gen(indices): for idx in indices: yield self[idx].to_representation(representation, **kwargs) else: def _gen(indices): for idx in indices: yield factory(self[idx]) # TODO: `from_generator` is slow. # No split if splits is None: indices = np.arange(len(self)) return TFDataset.from_generator(_gen, tf.float32, args=[indices]) datasets: Dict[str, TFDataset] = {} indices_list = self.split(split_filename, splits, random_state) for key, value in indices_list.items(): indices = np.array(value) datasets[key] = TFDataset.from_generator( _gen, tf.float32, args=[indices] ) return datasets
[docs]class RemoteDataset(Dataset): """Base class for remote MusPy datasets. This class is extended from :class:`muspy.Dataset` to support remote datasets. To build a custom dataset based on this class, please refer to :class:`muspy.Dataset` for the docmentation of the methods ``__getitem__`` and ``__len__``, and the class attribute ``_info``. In addition, the class attribute ``_sources`` containing the URLs to the source files should be properly set (see Notes). Attributes ---------- root : str or Path Root directory of the dataset. Parameters ---------- download_and_extract : bool, optional Whether to download and extract the dataset. Defaults to False. cleanup : bool, optional Whether to remove the original archive(s). Defaults to False. Raises ------ RuntimeError: If ``download_and_extract`` is False but file ``{root}/.muspy.success`` does not exist (see below). Important --------- :meth:`muspy.Dataset.exists` depends solely on a special file named ``.muspy.success`` in the folder ``{root}/``, which serves as an indicator for the existence and integrity of the dataset. This file will automatically be created if the dataset is successfully downloaded and extracted by :meth:`muspy.Dataset.download_and_extract`. If the dataset is downloaded manually, make sure to create the ``.muspy.success`` file in the folder ``{root}/`` to prevent errors. Notes ----- The class attribute ``_sources`` is a dictionary containing the following information of each source file. - filename (str): Name to save the file. - url (str): URL to the file. - archive (bool): Whether the file is an archive. - md5 (str, optional): Expected MD5 checksum of the file. Here is an example.:: _sources = { "example": { "filename": "example.tar.gz", "url": "", "archive": True, "md5": None, } } See Also -------- :class:`muspy.Dataset` : The base class for all MusPy datasets. """ _sources: Dict[str, dict] = {} def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download_and_extract: bool = False, cleanup: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() if not self.root.exists(): raise ValueError("`root` must be an existing path.") if not self.root.is_dir(): raise ValueError("`root` must be a directory.") if download_and_extract: self.download_and_extract(cleanup) if not self.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "Dataset not found. You can download it by passing " "`download_and_extract=True`." ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(root={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.root) def __getitem__(self, index) -> Music: raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Return True if the dataset exists, otherwise False.""" if not (self.root / ".muspy.success").is_file(): return False return True
[docs] def source_exists(self) -> bool: """Return True if all the sources exist, otherwise False.""" for source in self._sources.values(): filename = self.root / source["filename"] if not filename.is_file(): return False if "size" in source and filename.stat().st_size != source["size"]: return False return True
[docs] def download(self: RemoteDatasetType) -> RemoteDatasetType: """Download the source datasets. Returns ------- Object itself. """ for source in self._sources.values(): filename = self.root / source["filename"] md5 = source.get("md5") if filename.is_file(): if ( "size" not in source or filename.stat().st_size == source["size"] ): print( "Skip existing source : {}.".format(source["filename"]) ) continue print("Source file is found but corrupted.") print("Start downloading source : {}.".format(source["filename"])) download_url(source["url"], filename, md5) return self
[docs] def extract( self: RemoteDatasetType, cleanup: bool = False ) -> RemoteDatasetType: """Extract the downloaded archive(s). Parameters ---------- cleanup : bool, optional Whether to remove the original archive. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Object itself. """ for source in self._sources.values(): filename = self.root / source["filename"] if source["archive"]: print( "Start extracting archive : {}.".format(source["filename"]) ) extract_archive(filename, self.root, cleanup=cleanup) (self.root / ".muspy.success").touch(exist_ok=True) return self
[docs] def download_and_extract( self: RemoteDatasetType, cleanup: bool = False ) -> RemoteDatasetType: """Extract the downloaded archives. This is equivalent to ````. Parameters ---------- cleanup : bool, optional Whether to remove the original archive. Defaults to False. Returns ------- Object itself. """ return
if HAS_TORCH: class TorchMusicFactoryDataset(TorchDataset): """A PyTorch dataset built from a Music dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`muspy.Dataset` Dataset object to base on. factory : Callable Function to be applied to the Music objects. The input is a Music object, and the output is an array or a tensor. """ def __init__( self, dataset: Dataset, factory: Callable, subset: str = "Full", indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ): self.dataset = dataset self.factory = factory self.subset = subset self.indices = indices if self.indices is not None: self.indices = sorted( idx for idx in self.indices if idx < len(self.dataset) ) def __repr__(self): return ( "TorchMusicFactoryDataset(dataset={}, factory={}, subset={})" "".format(self.dataset, self.subset, self.factory) ) def __getitem__(self, index): if self.indices is None: return self.factory(self.dataset[index]) return self.factory(self.dataset[self.indices[index]]) def __len__(self) -> int: if self.indices is None: return len(self.dataset) return len(self.indices) class TorchRepresentationDataset(TorchMusicFactoryDataset): """A PyTorch music dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : :class:`muspy.Dataset` Dataset object to base on. representation : {'pitch', 'piano-roll', 'event', 'note'} Target representation. """ def __init__( self, dataset: Dataset, representation: str, subset: str = "Full", indices: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, **kwargs: Any ): self.representation = representation def factory(music): return music.to_representation(representation, **kwargs) super().__init__(dataset, factory, subset, indices) def __repr__(self): return ( "TorchRepresentationDataset(dataset={}, representation={}, " "subset={})".format( self.dataset, self.representation, self.subset ) )
[docs]class MusicDataset(Dataset): """A local dataset containing MusPy JSON/YAML files in a folder. Attributes ---------- root : str or Path Root directory of the dataset. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format of the data. Defaults to 'json'. """ def __init__(self, root: Union[str, Path], kind: str = "json"): self.root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() if not self.root.exists(): raise ValueError("`root` must be an existing path.") if not self.root.is_dir(): raise ValueError("`root` must be a directory.") self.kind = kind self.filenames = sorted(self.root.rglob("*." + self.kind)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(root={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.root) def __getitem__(self, index) -> Music: return load(self.root / self.filenames[index], self.kind) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.filenames)
[docs]class RemoteMusicDataset(MusicDataset, RemoteDataset): """A dataset containing MusPy JSON/YAML files in a folder. This class extended :class:`muspy.RemoteDataset` and :class:`muspy.FolderDataset`. Please refer to their documentation for details. Attributes ---------- root : str or Path Root directory of the dataset. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format of the data. Defaults to 'json'. Parameters ---------- download_and_extract : bool, optional Whether to download and extract the dataset. Defaults to False. cleanup : bool, optional Whether to remove the original archive(s). Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download_and_extract: bool = False, cleanup: bool = False, kind: str = "json", ): RemoteDataset.__init__(self, root, download_and_extract, cleanup) MusicDataset.__init__(self, root, kind)
[docs]class FolderDataset(Dataset): """A class of datasets containing files in a folder. Two modes are available for this dataset. When the on-the-fly mode is enabled, a data sample is converted to a music object on the fly when being indexed. When the on-the-fly mode is disabled, a data sample is loaded from the precomputed converted data. Attributes ---------- root : str or Path Root directory of the dataset. Parameters ---------- convert : bool, optional Whether to convert the dataset to MusPy JSON/YAML files. If False, will check if converted data exists. If so, disable on-the-fly mode. If not, enable on-the-fly mode and warns. Defaults to False. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format to save the data. Defaults to 'json'. n_jobs : int, optional Maximum number of concurrently running jobs in multiprocessing. If equal to 1, disable multiprocessing. Defaults to 1. ignore_exceptions : bool, optional Whether to ignore errors and skip failed conversions. This can be helpful if some of the source files is known to be corrupted. Defaults to True. use_converted : bool, optional Force to disable on-the-fly mode and use stored converted data Important --------- :meth:`muspy.FolderDataset.converted_exists` depends solely on a special file named ``.muspy.success`` in the folder ``{root}/_converted/``, which serves as an indicator for the existence and integrity of the converted dataset. If the converted dataset is built by :meth:`muspy.FolderDataset.convert`, the ``.muspy.success`` file will be created as well. If the converted dataset is created manually, make sure to create the ``.muspy.success`` file in the folder ``{root}/_converted/`` to prevent errors. Notes ----- This class is extended from :class:`muspy.Dataset`. To build a custom dataset based on this class, please refer to :class:`muspy.Dataset` for the docmentation of the methods ``__getitem__`` and ``__len__``, and the class attribute ``_info``. In addition, the attribute ``_extension`` and method ``read`` should be properly set. ``_extension`` is the extension to look for when building the dataset. All files with the given extension will be included as source files. ``read`` is a callable that takes as inputs a filename of a source file and return the converted Music object. See Also -------- :class:`muspy.Dataset` : The base class for all MusPy datasets. """ _extension: str = "" def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], convert: bool = False, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, use_converted: Optional[bool] = None, ): self.root = Path(root).expanduser().resolve() self.kind = kind # An internal pointer to the callable used to produce the Music object self._factory: Callable = lambda: None # An internal pointer to the list of filenames used when indexing self._filenames: list = [] self.raw_filenames: list = [] self.converted_filenames: list = [] if convert: self.convert(kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions) if use_converted is None: use_converted = self.converted_exists() if use_converted: self.use_converted() else: self.on_the_fly() if not self._filenames: raise ValueError("Nothing found in the directory.") (self.root / ".muspy.success").touch() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{}(root={})".format(type(self).__name__, self.root) def __getitem__(self, index) -> Music: return self._factory(self._filenames[index]) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._filenames)
[docs] def read(self, filename: Any) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load(self, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" return load(self.root / filename)
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Return True if the dataset exists, otherwise False.""" if not (self.root / ".muspy.success").is_file(): return False return True
@property def converted_dir(self): """Return the path to the root directory of the converted dataset.""" return self.root / "_converted"
[docs] def converted_exists(self) -> bool: """Return True if the saved dataset exists, otherwise False.""" if not (self.converted_dir / ".muspy.success").is_file(): return False return True
[docs] def use_converted(self: FolderDatasetType) -> FolderDatasetType: """Disable on-the-fly mode and use converted data. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if not self.converted_exists(): raise RuntimeError( "Converted data not found. Run `convert()` to convert " "the dataset." ) if not self.converted_filenames: self.converted_filenames = sorted( self.converted_dir.rglob("*." + self.kind) ) self._filenames = self.converted_filenames self._use_converted = True self._factory = self.load return self
[docs] def on_the_fly(self: FolderDatasetType) -> FolderDatasetType: """Enable on-the-fly mode and convert the data on the fly. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if not self.raw_filenames: self.raw_filenames = sorted( ( filename for filename in self.root.rglob("*." + self._extension) if not str(filename.relative_to(self.root)).startswith( "_converted/" ) ) ) self._filenames = self.raw_filenames self._use_converted = False self._factory = return self
[docs] def convert( self: FolderDatasetType, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, ) -> FolderDatasetType: """Convert and save the Music objects. The converted files will be named by its index and saved to ``root/_converted``. The original filenames can be found in the ``filenames`` attribute. For example, the file at ``filenames[i]`` will be converted and saved to ``{i}.json``. Parameters ---------- kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format to save the data. Defaults to 'json'. n_jobs : int, optional Maximum number of concurrently running jobs in multiprocessing. If equal to 1, disable multiprocessing. Defaults to 1. ignore_exceptions : bool, optional Whether to ignore errors and skip failed conversions. This can be helpful if some of the source files is known to be corrupted. Defaults to True. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if self.converted_exists(): print("Skip conversion as the target folder exists.") return self self.on_the_fly() self.converted_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True), kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions) self.use_converted() self.kind = kind return self
[docs]class RemoteFolderDataset(FolderDataset, RemoteDataset): """A class of remote datasets containing files in a folder. This class extended :class:`muspy.RemoteDataset` and :class:`muspy.FolderDataset`. Please refer to their documentation for details. Attributes ---------- root : str or Path Root directory of the dataset. Parameters ---------- download_and_extract : bool, optional Whether to download and extract the dataset. Defaults to False. cleanup : bool, optional Whether to remove the original archive(s). Defaults to False. convert : bool, optional Whether to convert the dataset to MusPy JSON/YAML files. If False, will check if converted data exists. If so, disable on-the-fly mode. If not, enable on-the-fly mode and warns. Defaults to False. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional File format to save the data. Defaults to 'json'. n_jobs : int, optional Maximum number of concurrently running jobs in multiprocessing. If equal to 1, disable multiprocessing. Defaults to 1. ignore_exceptions : bool, optional Whether to ignore errors and skip failed conversions. This can be helpful if some of the source files is known to be corrupted. Defaults to True. use_converted : bool, optional Force to disable on-the-fly mode and use stored converted data See Also -------- :class:`muspy.RemoteDataset` : Base class for remote MusPy datasets. :class:`muspy.FolderDataset` : A class of datasets containing files in a folder. """ def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download_and_extract: bool = False, cleanup: bool = False, convert: bool = False, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, use_converted: Optional[bool] = None, ): RemoteDataset.__init__(self, root, download_and_extract, cleanup) FolderDataset.__init__( self, root, convert, kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions, use_converted )
[docs] def read(self, filename: str) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ABCFolderDataset(FolderDataset): """A class of local datasets containing ABC files in a folder.""" _extension = "abc"
[docs] def read(self, filename: Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int]]) -> Music: """Read a file into a Music object.""" filename_, (start, end) = filename data = [] with open(filename_) as f: for idx, line in enumerate(f): if start <= idx < end and not line.startswith("%"): data.append(line) return read_abc_string("".join(data))[0]
[docs] def on_the_fly(self: FolderDatasetType) -> FolderDatasetType: """Enable on-the-fly mode and convert the data on the fly. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if not self.raw_filenames: filenames = sorted( ( filename for filename in self.root.rglob("*." + self._extension) if not str(filename.relative_to(self.root)).startswith( "_converted/" ) ) ) self.raw_filenames = [] for filename in filenames: idx = 0 start = 0 with open(filename, errors="ignore") as f: # Detect parts in a file for idx, line in enumerate(f): if line.startswith("X:"): if start: self.raw_filenames.append( (filename, (start, idx)) ) start = idx # Append the last part if start: self.raw_filenames.append((filename, (start, idx))) self._filenames = self.raw_filenames self._use_converted = False self._factory = return self
[docs]class RemoteABCFolderDataset(ABCFolderDataset, RemoteDataset): """A class of remote datasets containing ABC files in a folder.""" def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path], download_and_extract: bool = False, cleanup: bool = False, convert: bool = False, kind: str = "json", n_jobs: int = 1, ignore_exceptions: bool = True, use_converted: Optional[bool] = None, ): RemoteDataset.__init__(self, root, download_and_extract, cleanup) ABCFolderDataset.__init__( self, root, convert, kind, n_jobs, ignore_exceptions, use_converted )