Source code for muspy.outputs.yaml

"""YAML output interface."""
import gzip
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TextIO, Union

from ..utils import yaml_dump

    from import Music

[docs]def save_yaml( path: Union[str, Path, TextIO], music: "Music", skip_missing: bool = True, allow_unicode: bool = True, compressed: bool = None, **kwargs ): """Save a Music object to a YAML file. Parameters ---------- path : str, Path or TextIO Path or file to save the YAML data. music : :class:`muspy.Music` Music object to save. skip_missing : bool, default: True Whether to skip attributes with value None or those that are empty lists. allow_unicode : bool, default: False Whether to escape non-ASCII characters. Will be passed to :py:func:`json.dumps`. compressed : bool, optional Whether to save as a compressed YAML file (`.yaml.gz`). Has no effect when `path` is a file object. Defaults to infer from the extension (`.gz`). **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `yaml.dump`. Notes ----- When a path is given, use UTF-8 encoding and gzip compression if `compressed=True`. """ data = yaml_dump( music.to_ordered_dict(skip_missing=skip_missing, deepcopy=False), allow_unicode=allow_unicode, **kwargs ) if isinstance(path, (str, Path)): if compressed is None: if str(path).lower().endswith(".gz"): compressed = True else: compressed = False if compressed: with, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(data) else: with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(data) return path.write(data)