Source code for muspy.inputs.wrappers

"""Wrapper functions for input interface."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, TextIO, Union

from mido import MidiFile
from import Stream
from numpy import ndarray
from pretty_midi import PrettyMIDI
from pypianoroll import Multitrack

from ..classes import Track
from import Music
from .abc import read_abc
from .event import from_event_representation
from .json import load_json
from .midi import from_mido, from_pretty_midi, read_midi
from .music21 import from_music21
from .musicxml import read_musicxml
from .note import from_note_representation
from .pianoroll import from_pianoroll_representation, from_pypianoroll
from .pitch import from_pitch_representation
from .yaml import load_yaml

[docs]def load(path: Union[str, Path, TextIO], kind: str = None, **kwargs) -> Music: """Load a JSON or a YAML file into a Music object. This is a wrapper function for :func:`muspy.load_json` and :func:`muspy.load_yaml`. Parameters ---------- path : str, Path or TextIO Path to the file or the file to to load. kind : {'json', 'yaml'}, optional Format to save. Defaults to infer from the extension. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`muspy.load_json` or :func:`muspy.load_yaml`. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` Loaded Music object. See Also -------- :func:`muspy.load_json` : Load a JSON file into a Music object. :func:`muspy.load_yaml` : Load a YAML file into a Music object. :func:`` : Read a MIDI/MusicXML/ABC file into a Music object. """ if kind is None: if not isinstance(path, (str, Path)): raise ValueError("Cannot infer file format from a file object.") path_str = str(path).lower() if path_str.endswith((".json", ".json.gz")): kind = "json" elif path_str.endswith((".yaml", ".yml", ".yaml.gz", ".yml.gz")): kind = "yaml" else: raise ValueError( "Cannot infer file format from the extension (expect JSON or " "YAML)." ) if kind.lower() == "json": return load_json(path, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "yaml": return load_yaml(path, **kwargs) raise ValueError( f"Expect `kind` to be 'json' or 'yaml', but got : {kind}." )
[docs]def read( path: Union[str, Path], kind: str = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[Music, List[Music]]: """Read a MIDI/MusicXML/ABC file into a Music object. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the file to read. kind : {'midi', 'musicxml', 'abc'}, optional Format to save. Defaults to infer from the extension. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`muspy.read_midi`, :func:`muspy.read_musicxml` or :func:`read_abc`. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` or list of :class:`muspy.Music` Converted Music object(s). See Also -------- :func:`muspy.load` : Load a JSON or a YAML file into a Music object. """ if kind is None: if str(path).lower().endswith((".mid", ".midi")): kind = "midi" elif str(path).lower().endswith((".mxl", ".xml", ".musicxml")): kind = "musicxml" elif str(path).lower().endswith(".abc"): kind = "abc" else: raise ValueError( "Cannot infer file format from the extension (expect MIDI, " "MusicXML or ABC)." ) if kind.lower() == "midi": return read_midi(path, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "musicxml": return read_musicxml(path, **kwargs) if kind.lower() == "abc": return read_abc(path, **kwargs) raise ValueError( f"Expect `kind` to be 'midi', 'musicxml' or 'abc', but got : {kind}." )
[docs]def from_object( obj: Union[Stream, MidiFile, PrettyMIDI, Multitrack], **kwargs ) -> Union[Music, List[Music], Track, List[Track]]: """Return an outside object as a Music object. Parameters ---------- obj Object to convert. Supported objects are `music21.Stream`, :class:`mido.MidiTrack`, :class:`pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI`, and :class:`pypianoroll.Multitrack` objects. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`muspy.from_music21`, :func:`muspy.from_mido`, :func:`from_pretty_midi` or :func:`from_pypianoroll`. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` Converted Music object. """ if isinstance(obj, Stream): return from_music21(obj, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, MidiFile): return from_mido(obj, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, PrettyMIDI): return from_pretty_midi(obj, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Multitrack): return from_pypianoroll(obj, **kwargs) raise TypeError( "`obj` must be of type music21.Stream, mido.MidiFile, " "pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI or pypianoroll.Multitrack." )
[docs]def from_representation(array: ndarray, kind: str, **kwargs) -> Music: """Update with the given representation. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array in a supported representation. kind : str, {'pitch', 'pianoroll', 'event', 'note'} Data representation. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`muspy.from_pitch_representation`, :func:`muspy.from_pianoroll_representation`, :func:`from_event_representation` or :func:`from_note_representation`. Returns ------- :class:`muspy.Music` Converted Music object. """ if kind.lower() in ("pitch", "pitch-based"): return from_pitch_representation(array, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("pianoroll", "piano-roll", "piano roll"): return from_pianoroll_representation(array, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("event", "event-based"): return from_event_representation(array, **kwargs) if kind.lower() in ("note", "note-based"): return from_note_representation(array, **kwargs) raise ValueError( "Expect `kind` to be 'pitch', 'pianoroll', 'event' or 'note', but" f"got : {kind}." )